'Transformers 5' cast and release date rumors; sequel set for 2017 release

Akiva GoldsmanWikipedia

Transformers 5 will most likely come out in 2017. Aside from that, expect the long rumored Transformers Shared Universe to push through as well.

Such is the summary of the many rumors surrounding Transformers 5, the shared universe part to which was further strengthened with the arrival of Akiva Goldsman.

Goldsman will be leading a group of writers to come up with a strategic plan and storylines associated with the Transformers, something that Hasbro believes can be expounded and turned into sequels and spinoffs.

This practically confirms all rumors in circulation which now leads many to think on who would be actually sitting on the director's chair.

The question on whether Michael Bay would still be around despite his claim that he may be sitting Transformers 5 out due to exhaustion leaves a big question mark. That is of course subject to change and many feel that Bay could help out the franchise, considering that the last installment – Transformers: Age of Extinction, did not necessarily rack in the numbers expected.

With an expanded team of writers and possibly Bay directing, could the new strategy pan out?

Seeing that sequels and spinoffs are somehow the way to go these days, it should be interesting to see if the said formula could work with the Transformers franchise.

A lot of plans which include the rumored return of Megan Fox and Shia Labeouf have been mentioned though it remains to be seen how LaBeouf and Wahlberg end up. Wahlberg had said before that he is committed to a sequel, so where does LaBeouf fit into all of these?

That would all probably fall on the hands of Goldsman and company. It could work having a shared universe hence it will be interesting to see what plots and storylines Goldsman and his team of writers come up with.