Transformers 5 movie news: Mark Wahlberg expects Michael Bay back

Michael BayReuters

It will be recalled that last year, Bay seemed to hint that he would pass on directing the next Transformers film as he focuses on something else. He cites that he wants to set his sights on a new direction in movies which seems to indicate he is cooking up something aligned with a potential 'passion project'.

Despite those hints, Mark Wahlberg seems to think otherwise.

Wahlberg, who starred in Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, believes that Bay may return though it may depend on the 'strength of the script' for Transformers 5. For now, there is no word yet on what Transformer 5 will have to offer though hearing that an army of writers have been hired could lead to something special.

Paramount apparently has big plans for the Transformers franchise. Aside from Transformers 5, spin-offs are included in the plans for some characters such as Bumble Bee. Rumors suggest that Transformers 5 could possibly hit theatres by 2017 if everything falls into place and are ironed out.

The only thing that seems feasible at this point is that Bay will still be around but as executive producer.

Bay's decision to pass was something that producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura feared but knew was bound to happen, and judging by the numbers of Transformers 4 (over $1 billion in the box office), di Bonaventura is perhaps hoping that Bay stays on and direct the next installment.

Bay and Wahlberg are currently busy with other commitments but both are expected to sit down and work on Transformers 5 once Bay returns from Malta.

Though there is no actual date in mention, it is believed that the script for Transformers 5 will have been finished by then.

With that set, the question is will he be there to executive produce or will he opt to direct?