Transport problems persist in flooded areas

LONDON - Severe flood warnings remained in place in both western and eastern areas of Britain on Tuesday, with many transport services badly affected.

The Environment Agency said the severe warnings were for the River Severn near Shrewsbury and Worcester and on the River Ancholme in Lincolnshire, with 93 lesser warnings elsewhere across central and northern England.

National Rail reported that all train routes across northern England were being affected by flooding.

Northern Rail and TransPennine Express were advising people only to travel if "absolutely necessary".

Bus replacement services were also being affected, with vehicles unable to reach some stations because roads were flooded.

The Met Office predicted that an overnight frost would lead to widespread icy patches on untreated roads across the north and Midlands.

But a drier and sunnier day was forecast for many of the affected areas, easing the problems of recent days which saw homes and businesses flooded, and some schools forced to close.

The latest warnings follow flooding in the Summer which led to more than 55,000 homes and businesses being inundated and left an insurance bill of around 3 billion pounds.