Trayvon Martin case live stream: George Zimmerman trial update - Day 5 - Victim's parents to take witness stand

George Zimmerman's trial in the murder of Trayvon Martin resumes today, with the prosecution set to call for more witnesses.

Friday's day in court will see victim's parents called to the stand, as well as the medical examiner who carried out the autopsy on Martin.

On Thursday, the defense continued with the cross-examination of the victim's childhood friend Rachel Jeantel from Miami.

The 19-year-old took the witness stand for the second day and described her phone calls with Trayvon in the moments before he was shot dead on Feb. 26, 2012.

Jeantel spoke in a soft voice, which prompted defense attorney Don West to ask her to speak up as she recalled her statements made to the media after Martin's death. The star witness also could not read her own letter than was written about Trayvon's death because it was written for her in cursive handwriting.

Jeantel, one of the most important witnesses for prosecutors in the case, was a childhood friend of Martin's since elementary school. On Wednesday, she testified that Trayvon "kept complaining that a man was just watching him." She claimed that Trayvon asked Zimmerman, "why are you following me" and heard him say "get off". However, during her cross-examination by the defense today, she said she did not initially mention hearing those words in her initial statement because she didn't think they were important at the time.

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, who was shot to death when a fight broke out between himself and Zimmerman on his way back from a local convenience store last year.

Two other witnesses were called to the stand on Thursday. Jenna Lauer, a neighbor who heard the altercation between Marvin and Zimmerman while watching television with her husband, said she heard voices that sounded like "loud talking" and some "scuffling around."

Lauer testified: "At one point it sounded like they were about to come through the screen."

The 911 call made from one of the neighbors after the shot was also played out to the jury. Screaming can be heard in the background of that call.

Also called was Selma Mora, who also testified that she heard screams and a gunshot. She said saw a man on top of the other, dressed in "patters between black and red." The clothing matches the description of Zimmernan's clothes – who was allegedly wearing a black and red jacket that night.

Mora is set to take the witness stand again today.

The prosecutors claim that Zimmerman, who was a neighborhood watch volunteer, followed and shot Trayvon, while the defense claim that Trayvon aggravated Zimmerman who then shot him in self-defense.

An all-female jury will decide whether Zimmerman is guilty. If he is found guilty, he will face up to life in prison.

Over the first three days of the trial, the prosecution has been pushing its case aggressively as they try to convict Zimmerman. As the prosecution brought out its witnesses, the defending attorneys have attempted to undermine the credibility of them, and create doubt in their reliability among jurors.

Jeantel was already questioned for 90 minutes on Wednesday, highlighting two lies she told – her age, and why she did not attend Martin's funeral – in an attempt to show she cannot be trusted as a witness.

The witness had tried to convince people that she was just 16 years old, hoping that she would be considered a minor and be afforded more privacy.

In addition, she lied about why she did not attend Martin's funeral, saying that she was in the hospital at the time.

However, it was revealed that she had lied on both accounts. Under questioning from the defense team she admitted: "You got to understand. You're the last person to talk to a person and he dies on the phone after you talk to him. You got to understand … you don't know how it felt. Did I really want to go see the body after I'd just talked to him?"

Watch the live stream of the trial in the video provided below: