Trinidad Archbishop Makes Way to First Ever Spiritual Baptist Day in UK

A Trinidadian Archbishop is on his way to London today to take part in Spiritual Baptist Day celebrations, which are being hosted in the UK on Saturday. Archbishop Barbara Gray-Burke has expressed her delight at being able to come to London to commemorate the historical day.

Burke told the Daily Express newspaper about how momentous the occasion was that the UK would celebrate the day or the first time. Burke said, "It is for the first time in the history of London that they will be celebrating Spiritual Baptist Day and this is what is special about it."

In particular the Archbishop was hoping to get a chance to meet the Queen to give her personal thanks on behalf of worldwide Baptists for allowing the UK to celebrate Spiritual Baptist Day.

Burke told, "We didn't expect that London would have celebrated such a day. This is a huge step. We would like very much to meet with the Queen just to thank her. We will be making this request known to her Excellency Glenda Morean, who is the patron of the Baptist faith in London."

Joining Burke on her journey to London will be three other members of the Spiritual Baptist faith. The event will be sponsored by the Ministry of Community Development and Gender Affairs.

The group will remain in UK before returning to Trinidad on 21st April.