'True Detective' season 2 spoilers: Bezzarides, Velcoro to work together on Ben Caspar's death in episode 2 'Night Find You'

After the visually stunning season premiere of HBO's "True Detective" season 2, the second episode will show how the season's toughest character goes to work. 

Surprisingly, the male leads of the show are not the most tenacious members of the Los Angeles police department. Instead, Rachel McAdams' Ani Bezzerides is considered as the finest and most able police investigator in the series. 

True Detective season 2 posterHBO

Bezzarides will lead the investigation on the mysterious disappearance and death of Ben Caspar, the city manager of Vinci, California. His body was accidentally discovered by California Highway Patrol officer Paul Woodrugh (Taylor Kitsch) while biking along the dark highway. Bezzarides will be assisted by crooked cop Ray Velcoro (Colin Farrell), who happens to work for both the corrupt police department and former criminal Frank Seymon (Vince Vaughn). 

The tough detective from the Ventura County Sheriff Office is aware that Velcoro will be a tough person to work with since she knows that he is being paid for his services. This could compromise the result of the investigation. 

In the upcoming episode, Bezzarides and Velcoro will try to determine if the gruesome death of the city manager has something to do with his fascination with prostitutes. 

Meanwhile, Seymon will also do an investigation of his own to find out what happened to his partner, as well as the reason why he lost a lot of money during Caspar's death. Woodrugh, on the other hand, might find his old self through Caspar's case, after the effects of working in the military during the war weaned his flair for life. 

The official synopsis for "True Detective" season 2 episode 2 titled "Night Find You" reads: 

Ben Caspar's autopsy reveals the gruesome details of his demise, and Ray and Ani wonder if it has anything to do with his fondness for prostitutes. Meanwhile, Frank looks into what might have happened to his missing fortune." 

The episode will air on Sunday, June 28.