TURK-7 to merge with SAT-7

|PIC1|During its tri-annual meeting in Beirut, Lebanon, last week the SAT-7 International Board took a major step forward by voting to integrate TURK-7 fully into the ministry’s network of TV channels by January 2010.

“We at TURK-7 are excited about this merger. We believe that SAT-7, with its similar ethos, its years of experience in Christian broadcasting and its significantly larger operational and support staff, will help raise us up to a higher level of broadcasting,” said David Middleton, TURK-7 Executive Director, about the pending merger.

TURK-7 was created as an independent Turkish Christian television ministry in 2003. Based in Istanbul, the ministry utilises locally-based Christians and other TV professionals to create original programming as well as some dubbed programming, mostly cartoons and documentaries.

TURK-7 is largely funded by a group of 28 partners, half of which are local churches and ministries. SAT-7 is a founding member of the partnership, providing expertise and funding since February 2006, and four hours of daily satellite airtime for TURK-7 to broadcast its Turkish Christian programmes.

SAT-7 CEO Terence Ascott believes the merger is a good step forward for both ministries. “We have great expectations regarding TURK-7’s potential to grow significantly once it becomes a fully-integrated member of our family. In many ways, it is a sensible and cost-effective move because, in the long-term, it will mean we can avoid duplication of effort and provide support services to all four channels simultaneously.”

But Mr Ascott says additional financial support is needed. “We want to help TURK-7 ramp-up its production capabilities, add more staff and acquire new equipment so they can launch a 24-hour TURK-7 channel. I encourage anyone with a love for Turkish Christians and the cause of Christ in Turkey to immediately consider supporting this bold commitment to expanding TURK-7's operations.”

SAT-7 believes that providing TURK-7 with its own 24-hour channel within the next year or so will enable TURK-7 vastly to increase its audience size.

According to Mr Ascott, “Over 70 million people live in Turkey. While only a tiny fraction of that population is Christian, TURK-7 has proven that it is supporting the local church and aiding Turkish Christians as they witness to Christ. We want to help TURK-7 grow and maximise its ability to reach a much larger audience.”

SAT-7 will work on deepening its relationship with TURK-7’s current partners, whose continued involvement is vital to ensuring TURK-7’s future growth.

Additional details regarding the merger of TURK-7 into the SAT-7 family of channels will be finalised in the months to come.