Turn Your Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones – Here's How


Stumbling stones exist in everyone's lives. These things differ from person to person, but all of them are purposed for the same thing: to cause us to stumble. Thankfully, they can be stepping stones to help us grow instead.

Depending on a person's desires or preferences, something so innocent can become a stumbling block. Money can cause the greedy to steal. Fame or popularity can cause a public servant to become arrogant. The feeling of being loved can cause a lonely person to be very possessive. And yes, food can cause many of us to lose our health and money – and bust our waistlines.

Stumbling blocks are very much present in our lives. How? In our desires. James 1:14 tells us,

"Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. (NLT)"

Desiring Well

Friends, we get tempted by what we desire. Even a simple, seemingly innocent desire can cause us to be led astray. In this sense, the very act of desiring becomes a stumbling block for us:

  • A desire to spend more time with friends leads to being absent at school, work, or other responsibilities.
  • A desire to be the best in a certain field or area, such as sports or hobbies, might cause us to neglect other equally or far more important thing, such as time with kids or family.
  • A desire to earn wealth might cause us to spend more time for work, abusing our bodies and forgetting to get enough rest.

James 1:15 says, "These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death." 

Of course, spending time with friends, playing basketball, or earning a nice paycheck isn't sin, but that isn't the matter. What should we be doing anyway?

Desiring Right

Friends, the heart of the matter here is what we desire. It's not wrong to desire wealth, health, even material things. All these are good, but if we pursue them far more than our pursuit of that which really matters, it's going to be a problem. All these things become stumbling blocks if we choose them more than we choose God.

So how do we turn our stumbling blocks into stepping stones that will help us please God and also enjoy? Simple. By desiring the right things. By desiring God.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:4-5 MEV)

The key here, friends, is that we should desire God far above anything on earth. We should desire Him more than our own comforts and pleasures. He can comfort, please, and satisfy us more than we can ever imagine. As such, it's worth putting all our efforts to please Him instead of ourselves.