Twitter to gather data on which apps subscribing are using, is this a threat to security?


Twitter already gathers information based on what users tweet and whom they follow, but the microblogging site will go further as it announced that it will start to automatically collect data on which apps mobile users download.  

However, the information that they will gather is limited.  The social networking site announced that it will take a peek on what type of apps each Twitter user has on their device. With this data, Twitter can improve the content recommendations it gives to its users as well as tailor the ads that appear on their timeline. 

How does this work? 

Apple's iOS and Google's Android operating systems allow developers to gather this particular type of data. In iOS, developers can find out what apps a subscriber is using anytime or learn whether a user has a specific app. For Android, on the other hand, developers can get their hands on the list of apps a user has as long as the user has previously agreed to disclose such information in the app's terms and agreement. 

Security and privacy issues 

After the announcement, some people have become worried that the new policy will violate one's security and privacy. Reports say, however, that Twitter will not be able to gather information shared on the apps, but will only be able to collect the list of apps. 

Just like Facebook, the information gathered will help the company show targeted ads and recommend people to follow. Also, learning more about their subscribers will help them keep up with the competition and further improve their services.

If users feel uneasy sharing the apps installed in their devices, they can prevent Twitter from doing so through their phone settings. The company will also publish an in-app notification for the new data policy. If the user disagrees, the data previously collected will be deleted.

Right now, iOS-based devices are being tapped by Twitter. The app update will arrive to Android users next week.