Two Men Drive Blazing Car into Glasgow Airport

A car engulfed in flames has been driven into the main terminal at Glasgow Airport in what is a suspected major terrorist incident at 1515 BST, Saturday 30 June.

The latest incident has come just a day after a possible al Qaeda terrorist threat was thwarted by police in London as two car bombs were found and defused.

A police spokesperson in Glasgow has said that there appeared to be no injuries in the immediate aftermath.

According to the BBC, witnesses explained that a Jeep Cherokee was being driven at speed towards the terminal building with flames coming out from underneath. It appears as though the car attempted to ram its way into the main terminal building but was unable to break through the barriers at the entrance. Witnesses reported that the driver tried at least twice to ram through before becoming stuck in the entrance.

Eye-witnesses have also described seeing two Asian men emerge from the car, one of whom was on fire.

"It raced across the central reservation and went straight into the building," said taxi driver Ian Crosby outside the terminal.

Crosby said a stocky Asian man ran out of the car but was quickly wrestled to the ground by bystanders.

"It would appear to me to have been a deliberate attack. I think this was a terrorist attack," Crosby said.

Strathclyde Police have said the two people had been arrested and detained in connection with the incident.

However, a Whitehall spokesman said the incident was not being treated as a national security threat.

Another eye-witness Stephen Clarkson told the BBC he saw people running towards him and "panicking" then noticed a crashed Cherokee jeep.

Clarkson explained how he tackled one man that emerged from the car to aid police in restraining the two.

"It was lucky that I was there," he said. "I managed to knock the man to the ground with my forearm and the police got on top of him and restrained him and put handcuffs on him."