Two Moors Festival hits south west churches

|PIC1|The sound of music will be ringing from churches across Dartmoor and Exmoor are as they host Classic FM’s festival in the South West.

The Two Moors Festival, which runs until 18 October, has traditionally been held in churches across the moors since its inception in 2001 to revitalise an area devastated by foot and mouth disease.

This year churches will again be at the heart of the festival, a Psalm singing day, Evensong by the Girl Choristers of Exeter Cathedral Choir, and a musical church tour with the Pavao String Quartet.

The festival opened on Thursday with a concert at St Andrew’s Church, Ashburton, Andreas Haefliger on the piano and the Kuss Quartet.

Other international stars making an appearance include Marina Piccinini playing Bach on the flute in Dunster, baritone Wolfgang Holzmair singing Winterreise by Schubert.

British talent joining the festival include Tom Poster playing Chopin’s B minor sonata and 4Girls/4Harps in Chagford.

A collection will be taken at the Matins service at All Saints Church, Dulverton, in aid of the creation of anew wild flower garden in the churchyard.

The service will also feature a performance by the Two Moors Festival Choir.

To see the full programme, visit: