TWR speaks hope to hurting Chile

Trans World Radio (TWR) is responding to the Chile earthquake despite the building of its partner, the Radio Trans Mundial (RTM), suffering severe damage.

TWR is distributing a series of crisis-focussed programmes in Spanish as part of the ground ministry to victims of the 27 February earthquake.

According to RTM-Chile National Director Sigisfredo Alvarado, “All of those involved in the (RTM) ministry here in Chile are well.

"The RTM office ended up in a heap of rubble. Part of the roof fell in, the furniture came tumbling down destroying other things in its path.”

No one was inside the building at the time the quake hit. The extent of the damage and what it may cost to repair are still being assessed.

TWR’s Member Care Radio, in partnership with Dr Brent Lindquist of Link Care Center, is distributing a series of radio programmes for carers and survivors entitled “Growth Through Hardship”. The programmes are aimed at the long-term emotional, psychological and spiritual recovery of people affected by the earthquake.

Many of the programmes were used to help victims of Hurricane Katrina and are now being used to minister to the survivors of the January 12 earthquake in Haiti, along with distribution of the Biblica (formerly International Bible Society) book 'When Your Whole World Changes', which will also be distributed as part of an on-the-ground ministry to the people of Chile.

A special programme looking at the Christian response to the earthquake in Chile is available to listen to on demand on TWR's website