TWR trains Thousands of Chinese Leaders Via Radio Seminary

Since the beginning of this year, there has been an increase in the number of first year students enrolled in Trans World Radio's (TWR) Seminary on the Air (SOTA). 567 new students from across China enrolled in the course to bring the total number in the curriculum to about 1,500.

SOTA is a programme designed by TWR to expand the ministry in China. It is an intensive training course for thousands of Chinese church leaders; most of them whom have never received systematic training. The 45 minutes broadcasts air four times a day, Monday to Friday and are repeated at the weekends.

Each participant receives the Resource Library of resource materials which includes a SOTA handbook, study Bible, shortwave radio, and a year's worth of SOTA programs on CDs as well as accompanying printed scripts.

The SOTA student receives 5 sets of libraries: 1 set for himself and 4 to distribute to the second-line pastors and leaders of his network. The leaders systematically listen to the programme and are accountable for the materials through tests or other types of review. At regular intervals, TWR trainers are sent in-country to conduct intensive training sessions and expand on the curriculum from the broadcasts.

One student reflects that through listening to SOTA, he came to know the truth of the Bible more fully and this led to a better understanding about his faith. Another student also expressed, "I live in a rural village, and although my day is hectic, I set aside time to listen. I try not to miss the program because I need the Word of God to equip myself."

TWR is the most far-reaching Christian radio network in the world which covers Africa, Americas, Europe, Middle East, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia etc. Currently it broadcasts in more than 180 languages and dialects from 13 super-power transmitting sites, by satellite, and via the Internet.

This year, TWR plans to train 980 house church leaders in Northeast Asia, distribute 500 SOTA resource libraries, establish five audio reproduction centers within China and revise four SOTA modules.