Tyrese Gibson granted joint custody of daughter Shayla

Tyrese Gibson on "Fast and Furious 6."Universal Pictures

After fans saw a hysterical Tyrese Gibson in videos, looking helpless and desperate in his court battles with his ex-wife, Norma, the "Fast and Furious" actor has posted a photo of him and his daughter Shayla with a lighter and more positive caption.

Gibson had been the talk of the town after his custody battle against Norma for their 5-year-old daughter Shayla was posted on social media. Now, after months of online updates, Gibson shared that the court granted both parents joint custody. He further announced that the decision was a "win for Shayla."

"Today is not a win for me, it is a win for our daughter, Shayla. Who unfortunately has been exposed to tension, private and public embarrassment and growing up and feeling torn between 2 parents who are no longer married," the caption read.

Today is not a win for me, it is a win for our daughter, Shayla. Who unfortunately has been exposed to tension, private and public embarrassment and growing up and feeling torn between 2 parents who are no longer married...... It is a win because she gets to spend equal time with both of her parents in joint legal custody while she continues to grow in a happy and healthy environment – this has always been and will continue to be my priority. I hope all of the fathers feel encouraged by this cause if was the real “Fathers” out there who reached out and kept me encouraged along the way and for that I can’t thank you enough... - For 10 years I have been the best father I could be, all while quietly being on the receiving end of constant toxic false accusations by the mother of my child. And of course all the while being thrusted into unexpected social media storms all while trying to fight for my career and stay afloat financially. Today I am proud that the courts have put an end to Norma’s toxic nonsense, declaring that NONE of her accusations for the last 10 years against me are credible. I did not break any laws; I did not harass anyone; and most important I never engaged in violent or abusive behavior. The physical and emotional violence that Norma publicly accused of were all false and ruled to have no merit, no evidence, and was unsubstantiated in a court of law. I am forever indebted to my attorney Terry Ross who brought my truth to light in supporting me, my wife Samantha and my daughter Shayla and my team who wanted nothing more than for this 10 year nightmare of false claims and accusations to end....... God delivered on his promise that if I stand on my truth and don’t bend he will show up for me - Today is the first day of the rest of my life with MY FAMILY, my FRIENDS, my fans and supporters and my business associates and of course my immediate TEAM - God bless you..... broken but I will heal from this #ShaylaRocks.com go there now please!!!!! Google #ParentingAlianation and #PathologicalEnmeshment

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According to People's sources, the 38-year-old was granted a 50/50 custody of Shayla. The joint custody is set to take effect by January next year. Additionally, the restraining order that Norma requested was denied. Insiders also claim that Norma and Gibson have already made arrangements for their daughter's holiday schedule.

But, despite the court's ruling, Gibson again maintained that his wife had been the toxic one, repeating that he did not harass anyone. He also expressed gratitude to those who encouraged him through the battles.

Fans of Gibson might remember that the court battles had taken their toll on the actor, who even went public regarding how it affected him and his career. He also made a jab at Dwayne Johnson for allegedly accepting a spinoff movie project of the "Fast and Furious" franchise that reportedly pushed the ninth installment of the film for a later release date.

He had also been vocal about his financial struggles with the court battles and said that the false accusations had made him lose some projects.