U.S. presidential polls 2016 news update: Florida poll shows Hillary Clinton with big lead over Bernie Sanders

U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton dominated the recent presidential polls in Florida, trouncing Democratic rival Bernie Sanders with a landslide 54-24 percent win. This snags the former Secretary of State's three out of four state wins against Sanders.

Clinton saw a strong support from the minority, with the former first lady winning the votes of eight out of 10 African-Americans (84-16 percent). Majority of the Hispanics (66-22) and non-Hispanic white voters (48-30) also chose Clinton over Sanders.

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters as her husband former President Bill Clinton applauds, after she was projected to be the winner in the Democratic caucuses in Las Vegas, Nevada on Feb. 20, 2016.Reuters

Prior to winning the hearts of the voters in Florida, Clinton also emerged victorious in the U.S. presidential polls held in Iowa and Nevada. Sanders, on the other hand, had the chance to beat his rival in New Hampshire but hasn't seen a victory since then.

Clinton's victory from the minority comes as a little surprise, as the presidential candidate was driven to bring her campaign all the way to the African-American suburbs in South Florida. Her 84-16 victory managed to break President Obama's 78.19 in 2008.

Rep. Frederica Wilson of Miami believes that Clinton was meant to take over the Florida presidential polls.

"She deserves to go back to the White House, but this time as the commander-in-chief. If we elect Donald Trump, all of Obama's hard work will be wiped out," she said via Capital New York.

Wilson also pointed out that the women of Florida also look forward to seeing Clinton as the first woman to become U.S. president. This translated to a success during the U.S. presidential polls there, with the ladies helping her win over Sanders at 58-20 percent.

All candidates are now preparing for Super Tuesday, where 11 states will be casting their votes. On the Republican side, Trump has been so far unstoppable but Senator Ted Cruz hopes to break this winning streak when the presidential polls reach his hometown, Texas.