Presidential polls 2016 latest update: Marco Rubio jumps to second place


Although the Iowa caucus is considered the most important one by presidential polls, the most significant change occured following the New Hampshire primaries, with Republican presidential candidiate hopeful Marco Rubio shooting up to the second spot, trailing only behind Donald Trump.

According to a report from WHDH, Rubio managed to gain three points with an overall poll rating of 15 percent. This now allows him to overtake Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who remains unchanged at 14 percent. Donald Trump remains on top of the race with 36 percent despite a drop of 2 points.

However, the report does point out that this is the very first time in their poll tracking that Trump has ever gone down. The real estate mogul does not have that much to worry about, however, as he still remains in the lead with a double-digit difference between him and Rubio. 

Trailing behind Rubio and Cruz are former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who dropped by one to eight percent and Ohio Governor John Kasich who remains at 7 percent. This is followed by Chris Christie who dropped by one to five percent, Ben Carson who went up one to four percent and Carly Fiorina who remains unchanged at just three percent.

None of the candidates have managed to garner 5 percent support from the New Hampshire primaries.

Rubio's poll ratings are improving, however. As stated in a report from the NY Daily News, Rubio has managed to gain three percent overnight and a full seven points after ranking third at the Iowa caucus. During the latter, he managed to pull in 23.1 percent, putting him just 1.2 points behind Trump.

By jumping to the second spot, Rubio has reportedly gained much-needed momentum now that the Presidential race will be heading  to South Carolina. 

As for the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton remains on top with a 58 percent rating while Bernie Sanders trails behind at 36 percent. Despite this, it is important to note that Clinton dropped by three points while Sanders managed to rise up by four.