U2's Songs Transformed into Hymns

The songs of popular Irish rock band U2 are being acknowledged and sung around the United States, a report revealed.

The group's song "If God Will Send His Angels" has been turned into hymn.

Since Bono's tough stance on the 'Make Poverty History' campaign, a number of Episcopal Churches in the United States have started incorporating the rock group's music into their Communion services.

Dubbed the U2Charist, the practice was first started by Episcopal priest Rev Paige Blair in July, and has now spread to over 150 churches in 15 states across the U.S.

"Bach and Handel were the popular music of their day, and they had trouble getting played in church.

"The Methodist hymn writers once wrote contemporary music," The Sun quoted Reverend Blair, as saying.

But while the church is using their songs in their prayers, it has been quick to deny they're worshipping the campaigning rocker.

"Are we worshipping Bono? Absolutely not," the reverend added.