Ubisoft to release patch to fix Watch Dogs bugs on Uplay service; Wii U release date fall

Watch Dogs is set to release for the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on May 27, 2014.

A representative of game maker Ubisoft confirmed that the company is currently working on a patch to resolve the bugs and issues experienced by players in the "Watch Dogs" Uplay service.

The company acknowledged that players are having problems in the open-world action-adventure video game. Ubisoft was overwhelmed with complaints from players using PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One about the various issues and bugs in the newly-released game. The same representative said that the development team is isolating the issue in order to find a fix in a future patch. Also players who are experiencing the issue should submit a ticket to the Ubisoft support website.

Players, mostly PC users, complained about the DRM built in the Uplay service. It seemed that the game is stalling at 90% on the loading screen. Other users said that the bug persisted even after closing the game. It was later found out that the bug is affecting a large number of PSN players who are using PS3 and PS4. Aside from the loading issue, some players expressed that they were unable to access the game since the day of launch.

Ubisoft initially delayed the release of "Watch Dogs" as the company felt that the game needs additional polish as well as to get rid of major bugs and issues. Thus, instead of unveiling the game in November last year, "Watch Dogs" arrived on May 27 for the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The game's version for Wii U will be released in the fall in the North American region.

However, the Uplay service got past the quality control of the company. It is probable that developers of the game overlooked the Uplay service bug and shipped the product. The bug should be fixed by the time the Wii U version is released. Thus, fans and players just have to wait and see.