Young Christians Needed in Uganda

Abaana is a humanitarian charity which helps the underprivileged in Africa by sending young Christian volunteers from the UK and Ireland to share the love of God in a practical way with the people who need it most.

|PIC1|The charity is currently recruiting young Christians to take join their 2006 Uganda teams during the summer, from 6th July to 5th August 2006.

According to Abaana, their goals for the young team members are “to not only open each team member’s eyes to mission, but to equip them to serve anywhere”.

Abaana also sponsors over 250 children but strongly urges people to actually go to Africa to show that people care enough about them to come from the comforts of their homes to serve them and tell them about Jesus.

Although the programme for each team has not yet been finalised, the programme promises to be varied and to stretch each member of the team, no matter their experience.

The Youth Teams will be taking part in practical work (e.g. building or painting), children’s work at various schools and homes, which will include running a programme of songs, games and Bible stories. They will also be working alongside local churches and leading church services. On the final week we have a barbecue (paid for by the team) in a local slum.

The Ladies Team will be taking part in practical work (e.g. painting or general work), with the programme based around the skills of the ladies on the team. Much of the work will be carried out one to one, with children, babies or ladies in poorer areas of the African community with numerous opportunities to visit some of the Abaana projects and children supported.

Teams raise their own funds, with the money going towards Abaana’s projects in Africa. The cost for the Youth team is £1,200 per person.

The teams that work in Africa with Abaana are Mission Teams with a strong Christian context.

Application forms can be downloaded at