UK Celebrates Christian Women's Annual Day of Prayer With 3 Million

|TOP|Christ Church in Ossett joined three million people across the world last night to hold a special service in honour of the Christian Women's Annual Day of Prayer.

The prayer event is a tradition initiated and carried out by women for over 50 years. Following the sun's path around the globe, the ecumenical prayer movement drew the prayers of Christians in more than 170 countries and regions in a cross-cultural and pan-denominational experience.

This year, the prayer event was centered on the theme "Signs of the Times" with South African women bringing attention to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

Starting at 7 p.m., all seven churches in the town of Ossett took part in the prayer, featuring speaker Rev Kay Alberg, minister at the King’s Way Church in Ossett.

|AD|The Rev Paul Maybury, of Holy Trinity Church, said: “South Africa, the rainbow nation, has enjoyed a decade of liberation, integration and healing following apartheid. However, it has real problems including the spread of HIV/Aids.”

National chairperson of the prayer event, Jean Hackett said: “It’s amazing how many people are inspired to pray through the Women’s World Day of Prayer Movement.

“It’s good to be using material prepared each year by a different country and it’s great to be able to join with people across the world.”

Last year more than 5,000 prayer events were held around the UK and 330,000 service sheets were distributed, including some in Braille.