UK Christian Youth Magazine Devotes August Issue to ‘Sex’

|TOP|Leading UK Christian youth magazine ‘Youthwork’ has devoted its entire August edition on the theme of ‘sex’. Articles include topics on homosexuality, abstinence and masturbation.

The edition includes an article by US youth ministry expert Chap Clark on what the Bible says - and doesn't say - about sex, and covers answers to questions frequently asked by young Christians such as ‘Is masturbation wrong? Should Christians flirt?’

Martin Saunders, Youthwork's Editor is ready to receive a mixed response from some of his 20,000 plus readership, but is unapologetic for devoting an issue of a Christian magazine to sex.

"Sex is a subject which we will face time and again in youth ministry, and our hope is that this resource will be a real help to youth workers as they attempt to answer difficult questions, set an example and offer practical, biblical and grace-centred advice."

|AD|Saunders continued, "It is because of its extreme prevalence in teenage thought, conversation, and the media that we've decided to devote this whole issue to the subject."

Resources in the sex issue of Youthwork include the latest statistics on teen sex, meeting guides on Christian relationships, abstinence and masturbation alongside a detailed article on sex and the Bible.

Saunders is adamant that Christians should acknowledge sex as a positive experience. "Christians are perceived as a bunch of puritanical sexual killjoys when in fact, we should be known as the pro-sex lobby. God is pro-sex, after all, he invented it. Christians can have healthy, fulfilling sex lives that are just as exciting and adventurous as everyone else's. The difference is Christians can talk about its higher value - as a God-ordained gift, and we must never lose sight of that truth, nor allow others to think that we believe differently."

The Church now employs more youth workers than the local and national government. Youthwork is aimed at these salaried youth ministers and the large number of volunteers (up to 100,000) involved in church based Youthwork.