UK church is finding fresh confidence, says new Evangelical Alliance head

|PIC1|The church in the UK is regaining its confidence as it lives out the Gospel in local communities, says the new head of the Evangelical Alliance.

In his maiden speech as the new EA General Director on Easter Sunday, Steve Clifford stressed the importance of demonstrating the Gospel.

“It is wonderfully encouraging to see how the Church of Jesus Christ is finding fresh confidence, as we position ourselves in the heart of our communities and as we demonstrate the Gospel through our being good news as well as talking good news,” said Clifford, former Chair of Hope08.

“I am absolutely convinced that Christians uniting together in their faith is good for our society. It offers communities and individuals health and well-being, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Christ has called us as his Church to be the hope for our nation.”

He urged Christians to match their words with actions and be 'good news' for those around them.

“We must have confidence in the Gospel story. Alpha and Christianity Explored courses, as well as our ‘gossiped’ conversations with our neighbours, friends and workmates, all have the power to impact lives.”

Clifford delivered his address at Bradford Cathedral, where his parents met and were married and where his father was ordained.

He went on to offer a message of hope as he reflected on the difficulties his family faced after his father died when Clifford was only five-years-old.

“This little ‘Clifford’ story is part of a far bigger story which is the story of God’s involvement with humanity,” he said.

“God hasn’t abandoned us and is able to draw a bigger circle out of even some of the most tragic events of life. God is wheeling and dealing in our lives, our stories, looking to see his purposes at work right across the face of the earth.

“Our stories and God’s stories merge as we allow ourselves to be caught up in his purposes and look for the out working of his will in our lives.”

The Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Rev David James, was joined by Clifford’s mother and son in praying him into his new role at the end of the service.

Clifford takes over the position of General Director from Joel Edwards, who stepped down last year after more than 10 years in the job to concentrate on his new role as international director of Micah Challenge, a movement of Christians lobbying their governments to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.