UK Churches Set to Support China

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) today has launched an appeal calling for all Christians across the UK's churches to sign up to a campaign hoping to free four pastors being held by authorities in China simply for the "offence" of following their Christian faith.

Li Ming, Jin Jirong, Wang Yuan and Li Mingbo were arrested in June, CSW explain. They had visited the local police station to try to secure the release of 14 of their church members who had been arrested on their way home from church.

Li Ming, Jin Jirong, Wang Yuan and Li Mingbo were arrested in June.

According to eyewitness reports, 66-year-old Pastor Jin Jirong was beaten by the police. Soon after, more police arrived and Pastor Li Ming was also assaulted.

When Li Ming cried out "You are killing me" the police tried to choke him in order to get him to be quiet. They then bundled him into a police car and transferred him to a detention centre.