UK Evangelistic Newspaper Appoints new Editor

|PIC1|UK evangelistic newspaper, Good News, has announced the appointment of a new editor.

Paul Eddy, who has fulfilled the position for two years, will now step down to fulfil a new calling to train for the ordained ministry.

His successor, who takes over with the October issue, is Andrew Halloway, the former editor of New Life newspaper.

Halloway has also been deputy editor for the official magazines of two national church denominations - the Elim Pentecostal Church and Assemblies of God - and has previously worked as an editor at CWR and publishing manager at CPO.

Good News is a publication that has now been running for over six years, and has risen in circulation from 13,000 copies to 50,000 each month, making it the country's leading monthly print evangelistic newspaper.

The new editor said: "I am delighted to be joining Good News, a newspaper used by churches across the denominational spectrum to reach their communities with the Gospel.

"Millions read newspapers filled with bad news every day. I hope many more churches will catch the vision to deliver the ultimate 'good news' through people's letterboxes."

Rev John Mutton, chairman of the team behind Good News, said: "We are very pleased to welcome Andrew as the new editor. The paper aims to communicate the Gospel in an attractive, non-threatening, easy-to-read way and we believe that Andrew will take the paper even further in that direction."