UK legal organisation intervenes to block same-sex marriage in British Virgin Islands

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A UK legal organisation is supporting a challenge in the British Virgin Islands to prevent same-sex marriage from being introduced through the courts.

The UK-based Christian Legal Centre (CLC) is supporting the British Virgin Islands Christian Council (BVICC) in resisting the legal challenge brought by lesbian couple Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome. 

The couple are seeking a declaration that their 2019 same-sex marriage in the UK is valid in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and that the current prohibition of same-sex marriages is contrary to the constitution. 

The BVI is a British overseas territory but has separate legal jurisdiction to the UK and its own laws. Over 80 per cent of its population is Christian. 

CLC lawyers will be representing the BVICC at a four-day hearing at the BVI Court starting today. 

They will argue that the BVI constitution does not fall under English law and that there is no legal requirement or justification for same-sex marriage to be introduced to the islands.

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

They will also argue that any change to the status quo must come from the BVI legislature.

BVI's Premier, Natalio Wheatley, has promised a referendum on same-sex marriage while also declaring that the government's position will be "vigorously defending our laws, which clearly provide that marriage should be between a man and a woman".

BVICC member Rosemarie Flax said: "As a Christian body, the watchdog of our territory and the conscience of our community, the BVI Christian Council firmly believes that it is our duty to oppose any attempt to add conditions to marriage that change God's teachings and standards.

"The BVICC truly believes that no governmental authority, no human being, no judicial society has the right or authority to re-define marriage.

"BVICC is not imposing its moral beliefs on non-believers. It is the other way around that advocates of same-sex marriage are imposing their views of sexuality on Christians. They are using governmental power to impose a new definition of marriage.

"No matter what, the BVICC continue to show love to all humans but will only recognise the marriage of a man and woman as is created and ordained by God."

CLC chief executive Andrea Williams said: "We are honoured to respond to the British Virgin Islands Christian Council's call for support and stand with them in their pursuit of justice and their protection of Christian marriage in these islands.

"What the BVI is facing is a strategic litigation case designed to put pressure on the judicial and legislative systems of the BVI to bring same-sex marriage up for public debate.

"Why force a legal case and referendum on same-sex relationships on a nation that has far more urgent social needs?"