UK Navigators Celebrate Golden Jubilee of Evangelical Missions

The United Kingdom Navigators, a world-wide organisation working in more than 100 countries, helping individuals and communities of believers to know Christ and make him known, celebrates its 50th 'Golden Jubilee' anniversary this year. As a part of celebration, there are three one day conferences to be held in three different areas of the country from 2pm to 6pm.

The first conference is to take place in Glasgow on 4th June in Newton Mearns Baptist Church, second on 11th June in Elmwood Church, Eccles and lastly on 18th June in the Regent Hall, Oxford Street. During the conferences, Navigators will aim to celebrate the past as well as share their new future plans.

The UK Navigators are helping people to live out the gospel in a variety of contexts and situations. Making programs with university and college students, business and professional men and women, cities and inner-cities, friends, families and neighbours, churches and local churches, helping everyone to establish a living relationship with Christ and pass their faith onto others.

Tthe Navigators work in the UK began after the Billy Graham Crusade of 1954 in Harringay which asked Navigators to handle the counsellor training and follow up activities. Shortly after, Ed and Ruth Reis moved to the UK together with Joyce Turner from America, and they developed work with individuals, mostly in the Greater London area.

In the early 60's, the office relocated to Wimbledon and in the autumn of 1966, the Navigators started to work with University students in four locations – Manchester, Loughborough, Reading and Salford. As they began to study the Bible together, many already committed Christians were strengthened and God gave much fruits by evangelism, and a generation of young Christians started to emerge.

In the 1970's, many young leaders became full-time workers with the Navigators and under Robb Powrie Smith’s leadership started to grow rapidly. Many went overseas as missionaries and at the present time, Navigators of 45 nationalities work in over 104 countries of the world.

During the 1980's there were very difficult times for many full-time workers and leaders, however, God gave a new great vision.

In the 1990's, the Navigators faced diversity in ministry and changes in organisation, but God continued to hold them together as a movement to give direction and change lives with the power of God’s Word. A Student Ministry, Connect Program, Revelation Team, Church Discipleship Ministry and many other things were created to expand the network greatly.

The year 2000 and a new Millennium brought more diversity to the nation, and Navigators are trying to meet the challenge of connecting the gospel to the present culture, without compromising the core truths of the Christian faith and continuously training men and women to take gospel overseas. As well as international missions, there is also a work place network, which has been changed from Business and Professional and the Navigator Church Network.

Members of the Navigators firmly base their values and mission on the Bible and with God's grace, leading and humility, and promote participating in efforts to further God's kingdom in the future.

In the same way as apostle Paul exhorted Timothy, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others." (2.Timothy 2:2), the Navigators say they invest in people today.