Ukraine Evangelicals See Great Hope in New President

The Ukraine has recently been reported as a country ready for huge Christian growth since a change in leadership took place four months ago, which has given renewed hope to evangelicals. The elections in 2004 brought great scenes of rejoicing on the streets from Christians who have since been further encouraged by the new leader of the country.

ACB International missionary, based in Ukraine’s capital Kiev said, "Ukraine has always been somewhat of the Bible belt of the former Soviet Union. There's actually more believers in the Ukraine than the rest of the former Soviet Union put together. And, there (are) probably more believers in Ukraine than in any other country in Europe."

The missionary is currently working in coordination with The Research Education and Light Centre (Realis) Ministries, and is hoping to help in the breaking down of barriers between the secular and religious communities in the eastern-European country.

The new Ukrainian president, Victor Yushchenko has played a vital role in the hope of the revived Christian evangelical movement. Marshall reported, "The President has been working to eliminate the ministry of religion, which has kept so many churches and ministries under its thumb for so many years. And when asked why, he said, 'The State has no business in the affairs of the church and the church has one head and that is Jesus Christ her Lord."

Marshall continued, "He also put an evangelical Baptist as head of the former KGB. This organisation persecuted and hounded churches for dozens of years and now there's a true God-fearing evangelical who is in charge.

"What's happening in Ukraine now will affect the future of Eurasia as much as the Reformation affected Europe. It's a time in history that has never before happened. The revolution was the easy part. Now, the hard part is working day by day and fight corruption in society and challenge believers to take their faith outside the walls of the church and to take it to a society that's begging for truth."

However, there is still just one agenda that is restricting the potential growth of Christianity throughout the country – funding. Marshall has appealed to believers to provide and give generously to help CB International and it’s partnering work with Realis, so that the new hope that has arisen in Ukraine can be realised and become a reality.