Ukraine Grants License to Emmanuel Christian Radio

A new Christian Radio Station "Emmanuel" will be launched in Kiev, Ukraine, revealed by Assist News Service from the press release of Emmanuel Radio yesterday. Amid the political and social disabilities, the Ukraine Government has granted the radio a 7-year license. Therefore, it is expected to bring great light to the people in the east Europe country.

Viktor Radim, Director of TRK Emmanuel, testified with overwhelming joy, and described that the recent development was truly a miracle of God. He said that 5 years had been spent in the application process for the license from the ultimate state authority on the mass media - the National Committee of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasts.

"We’ve had a number of refusals over the past few years. There were several people on the national committee that were very much against us. But every time we were denied, we committed ourselves to pray that God would either change their hearts or have them find other work," Radim said.

The path to receive the license was in fact full of obstacles, according to Assist News Service.

"In fact, most people who we consulted with, said that you’ll never get a license without paying huge bribes. But as a matter of principle, TRK Emmanuel, strongly opposed the payment of any bribe from the very beginning," said Radim.

"We were able to do the impossible without a single bribe. With man it’s impossible, but with God, all things are possible."

The birth of Christian Radio in Ukraine has coincided with a spiritual change currently going on in the country. Since the new pro-West Ukrainian president, Victor Yushchenko was elected five months ago, evangelicals have seen the country set it self for huge Christian growth.

In a previous report by the Mission News Network, ACB International missionary, based in Ukraine’s capital Kiev said Ukraine has always been somewhat of the Bible belt of the former Soviet Union. Therefore, it has high potential in the revival of the Gospel.

Additionally, the President has been working to eliminate the Ministry of Religion, which has controlled many churches and ministries for so many years. The President was quoted as saying, "The State has no business in the affairs of the Church and the Church has one head and that is Jesus Christ her Lord."

Director of TRK Emmanuel Christian Radio has echoed a similar opinion. He said in the press release, "The 'Orange Revolution' gave the Ukraine a new chance at true reformation and this station is just one piece of the puzzle to keep the political revolution moving to a deep spiritual revolution. True reformation will come when society as a whole will acknowledge that God is sovereign and He heals the land as the people repent and pray."

In preparation for the official launch of the radio, TRK Emmanuel has received backing by all the major Christian denominations in Ukraine. All leaders have offered a recorded opening prayer to mark the first broadcast of the station.

"We hope that this radio station will bring the whole Church together to bring the light of the Gospel to the people," Director Vadim said.

Apart from support from churches, the license has allowed TRK Emmanuel to form partnerships with prominent international Christian Broadcasters such as HCJB and CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network).

Director Vadim said that HCJB has provided the initial funds for a TRK Emmanuel transmitter, laying of optical cable, encoder/decoder and other equipment for broadcasting. CBN has also donated a studio flat for the radio station.

However, TRK Emmanuel will still need one final step to make the radio station be released on-air. "At the moment we do not have anyone 'officially' sponsoring us. Several local churches in Kiev are prayerfully considering partnering with us, but we still need to raise about $25,000 for the final equipment and personnel to get the studio up and running."

Currently, TRK Emmanuel needs to get the equipment for inside the studio for the on-air room and equipment for the production side. It is also looking for partners that would like to participate with them to launch the first 24-hour-a-day radio station in Kiev, dedicated to spiritual and uplifting programs, according to the press release. Kiev has a potential audience of 3.5 million people.

Director Vadim said, "We’re really under pressure right now because according to our license, we have to be broadcasting by 1st June 2005, or we can lose this hard-to-obtain license."

TRK Emmanuel is now appealing for donations of funds and also prayers from worldwide Christians so that the radio programme can come on-air by 1st June 2005.