UN launches MDG monitoring website to end global poverty

The United Nations has launched a new Web site powered by Google and network equipment maker Cisco on Thursday that will show how and where the world is succeeding or failing in meeting the Millennium Development Goals on ending poverty.

UN officials and outside experts have warned that achieving the goals set in 2000 by the target date of 2015 is looking increasingly unlikely as goals continue to be missed.

The creators of the Web site have said they hope more accurate monitoring of progress should spur success.

"Hiding from problems guarantees their perpetuation," said Michael Jones, chief technologist for Google Earth, which has integrated its satellite imagery and mapping system into the site so users can analyse statistics with countries and regions concerned.

The site gathers statistics from around the world to give a snapshot of how each country is doing in meeting the eight goals, from cutting infant mortality to reducing hunger.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the site would for the first time present all the information on the goals in one place, allowing closer monitoring and helping identify places in need of greater attention.

"Our global scorecard is mixed," Ban said. "Some regions, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, are not on track."

He said nearly 1 billion people were living on less than $1 a day, and millions of children die every year before their fifth birthday from causes linked to malnutrition.

Jones said accountability was key to both business and development programs.

"In the countries that fall behind, what they need most of all is to know they're falling behind."

The new MDG website can be found at: www.mdgmonitor.org