UN makes progress against malnutrition in Kenya

Three UN agencies praised the international community for its support in helping turn around a devastating malnutrition crisis in the Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in northern Kenya.

The progress made was a result of measures including a more regular supply of culturally acceptable foods and firewood, provision of energy saving cooking stoves and soap to ensure that refugees do not have to sell some of their food to buy these basic items.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), UN World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said that continued support was needed in order to prevent all the gains being lost.

WFP Kenya said, "Real inroads into the scourge of malnutrition are making a genuine difference to young children and their mothers."

The Country Director Burkard Oberle said, "It would be criminal to take our foot off the pedal now simply because we can't afford to keep going. These people need more support, not less."

A recent survey showed that acute malnutrition rates among children of five and under in the camps at Dadaab have dropped from last years 22.2 per cent to less than 13 per cent. Initial results from a survey in camps at Kakuma indicate a similar downward trend.

The latest figures are now below the emergency threshold of 15 per cent and are the lowest rates recorded since 2000.

Malnutrition is still a serious problem, however, as well as anaemia in the camps. Among children anaemia rates have increased slightly to 81.4 per cent.

To combat this, an inter-agency initiative was launched to provide double fortified salt in Dadaab. In addition a pilot project of supplying micronutrient-rich "sprinkles" in Kakuma is being tried.

UNHCR Acting Representative in Kenya, Eddie Gedalof said, "These problems are not going away. It is absolutely essential that we are able to maintain a high level of assistance for the refugees, who entirely depend on outside assistance."

The WFP has maintained full food rations in the camps in recent months, ensuring the basic 2,100 kilocalorie daily requirement per refugee and a basic, balanced diet.

Donor support has also allowed an expansion of supplementary and complementary feeding. Health facilities are also better staffed now to deal with malaria and other diseases. The refugees also now have a good supply of water.

Olivia Yambi, the UNICEF Country Representative in Kenya said, "Our experience shows that we should not celebrate such short-term success, but redouble our efforts to ensure the work continues to have such a positive impact."

One area which needs to be developed more is the education of mothers on best child feeding practices, as well as more general health education in the camps.

The agencies need a total of US$18 million in order to fully roll out their operations in the camps until June 2008. The camps of Dadaab and Kakuma have 231,000 mostly Somali and Sudanese refugees. Of these over 400,000 are under five years old.