UNashamed UK in pictures

Unashamed UK gathered gospel artists in London recently to show off their talents and prove that they are not ashamed of Gospel through their music.

The aim of the event was to spread the Gospel to the four corners of the Earth starting with London and to deliver the message of Jesus Christ.

Popular names like Rachel Kerr, Guvna B, Dwayne Tryumf and TP were there to give young Christians support and encourage them to stand firm in their faith and telling others not to be ashamed.

Dwayne Tryumf is a Christian rapper who especially known for his 777 song, the video for which has racked up more than one hundred thousand views on YouTube(www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDQihTLoofk) testified about the love of Christ and how it changed his life.

"If you know the love of Jesus then you will be amazed," he told the crowds.