Understanding The Role of Music in Different Religions


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Music plays a very important role in our lives. It's everywhere around us. You can hear the winds chime, the birds sing, and the leaves buzz. If you listen to it carefully, you'd find music in all this as well.

It's hard to think of a world with no music. The good thing, however, is that we have a huge variety when it comes to music. Some of us listen to music in order to feel better and some of us listen to it for other purposes. But do you know that music has an important role in religion, too?

'From ancient times, music is something that has put people in touch with their innermost feelings. Different kinds of music work upon different emotions of an individual and releases the various incomplete emotions leading towards a total healing of body and mind'

Bhakthi Sankeertan: 'Healing through Music' (The Holistic Health Dictionary on Music Therapy)


Look at Christianity, the hymns are musical. Hundreds and thousands of people can sing it together only due to the universal tone. If these religious songs did not follow a specific tune then so many people would never be able to sing the same song like this. It actually ensures that the congregation is united so that there's just one voice used to praise God.

It's also an important part of worship and celebrations including Christmas and Thanksgiving. Worshippers use music to show what they feel.


"Music is the pulse of Jewish spirituality – song charts the biorhythms of the Jewish Soul.' Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks

Judaism has a wide range of music. It's religious and secular at the same time. The sound and rhythm vary depending on several factors including the composer's background.

The music heart in Synagogues in the bygone era was based on Jerusalem temples. Even today, music is an integral part of Judaism and Jewish worship habits. A large part of the service and Torah is sung or chanted in Synagogues.


The opinion of Islamic scholars on music is controversial. Some scholars believe music is a part of the religion while some believe it isn't.

However, music has been there for centuries even in Islam. During the time of Prophet Mohammad, there were classical instruments used to celebrate events or welcome guests. Some reports indicate that even elaborate dances were performed in groups.

However, Islam differs from other religions because the holy book, the Quran, is recited and not chanted. There is no tune or music when you recite the Quran.

The interesting bit is that there's nothing in the Holy Book concerning music, i.e: the Quran does not specifically ban music. In fact, some reports indicate that The Prophet enjoyed his wives singing. However, some reports also highlight how he rebuked father--in-law's reaction to music on certain occasions.

However, Islam is said to ban a few things including clapping publicly, singing in a sensual way, and selling singing services by girls.


This is one of the most religion when it comes to music. According to the Hindu religion, the planed was created by Lord Shiva, who is said to be a fan of music and dance, therefore music and dance quite often form part of Hindu worship along with religious songs called kirtan and bhajans.

Music does a lot for you. It can help you feel better, bring you closer to god, and cheer you up. So know the role of music in your religion and enjoy it even more.