UNICEF invites Christians to fill ‘Jars of Grace’ this Christmas

|PIC1|UNICEF is appealing to Christians and other people of faith to fill up ‘Jars of Grace’ for underprivileged children worldwide.

The UN’s children’s fund is inviting individuals and congregations to drop a coin in a jar each time they pray.

It follows from last year’s successful Jars of Grace campaign which raised more than £88,000 for UNICEF’s work with children affected by emergencies in Pakistan, Gaza, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Sri Lanka. The money was used to provide the children with shelter, food, clean water and education.

“By simply popping a coin into the jar, goodwill is translated into a good deed, from which UNICEF can achieve tangible results,” said a spokesperson for the organisation.

“Any congregation can take part, just remember to top up the jar during prayers and UNICEF will do the rest.”

The funds raised by this year’s Jars of Grace campaign will go towards UNICEF’s work in Mozambique, where around 450 children under the age of five die every day of preventable and treatable diseases like malaria and diarrhoea.

UNICEF aims to provide every child and mother in Mozambique with vaccinations, malaria nets, nutritional supplements and improved water and sanitation facilities.

UNICEF has put together service plans and fundraising ideas for congregations and youth groups to use, as well as posters, leaflets and collection boxes to support appeals.

For more information and to order a Jar of Grace pack, please call Isabelle Philips, UNICEF Fundraising Team. Tel 0207 375 6037. Email isabellep@unicef.org.uk