Urban Saints releases DVD on child internet safety

|PIC1|Urban Saints are offering a resource to help parents explore the changing nature of the internet and keep their children and young people safe when online.

‘Totally Wired’ is a DVD recorded during the 2008 national tour of the same name and it features an evening led by Chris Curtis, from Luton Churches Education Trust.

Chris guides the audience through the history of online communication and community, including some hints as to what is to come next. The second half of the evening deals with internet safety and the risk of online predators before challenging people to think about how these changes in technology and communication might affect the way Christians do youth work.

The availability of the DVD resource comes not long after missing Cleethorpes teenager, Laura Stainforth, who turned up safe and well in France after running away with a 49-year-old man she met in an internet chatroom.

Mark Rushby, the headteacher at Laura's school, Whitgift School in Grimsby, has suggested that a nationwide educational programme on internet safety is required.

Urban Saints said ‘Totally Wired’ could provide church leaders, youth workers and parents with valuable information on this issue. The second half of the presentation also explores some of the many benefits of the digital revolution and how we can harness them to make a significant positive impact in the lives of our young people.

Urban Saints’ Executive Director, Matt Summerfield, who co-hosted the ‘Totally Wired’ events said, “We were so thrilled with the feedback from this seminar tour in 2008 and I’m really glad that it can now receive a wider audience, helping people to understand both the pitfalls and the potential of technology for young people today.”

The ‘Totally Wired’ DVD is suitable for individual viewing or as part of a group and the disc includes a full youth group meeting plan for teenagers on the issues discussed in the presentation and a handout full of tips, advice and helpful weblinks for more information.

The DVD costs £4 and is available at www.urbansaints.org