URC warns of Zimbabwe 'implosion'

The United Reformed Church has warned of the gradual "implosion" of Zimbabwe and condemned the tactics employed by the ruling Zanu PF party to sideline the opposition.

It also adds its voice to those calling for the establishment of a transitional government to negotiate a framework for political and economic recovery.

Simon Loveitt, URC's Convenor for Church and Society, introduced a resolution to the Church's general assembly in Edinburgh on Saturday, stating: "We have all watched with growing alarm and disbelief, Zimbabwe gradually imploding.

"The increasing violence and intimidation by Government supporters of its citizens, has been very distressing to witness."

The Church agreed to ask local congregations to offer hospitality and support to Zimbabweans living among them, and to continue praying for justice and peace to be restored to Zimbabwe.

A delegation will try to discuss the Church's concerns with Britain's Foreign Secretary.