US Christian Band Soars in Japan Radio Chart

|PIC1|Sensational Christian rock band Leeland's debut album, Sound of Melodies, hit stores across Japan last week where it has soared up the charts.

During the same week, the band's current single on the International Chart of Japan Radio, "Sound of Melodies", jumped from No 17 to No 6.

The band was interviewed with MTV Japan during their recent promotional trip to Japan, and featured in Rock Magazine. They also played a sold-out concert at Harajuku Astro Hall in Tokyo, personally bringing the Leeland live experience to the audience.

"We are very excited about what is happening with our music in Japan, and can't wait to get back over there", shares Leeland front man, Leeland Mooring. "During our live performance, we were touched by seeing the reaction of the crowd and how moved they were. People told us after the concert how they loved our 'melodies' and that there was a sort of 'healing' in the music.

"The experience of having to communicate with our new friends via translators was a special thing. It's an awesome reminder of how big this world truly is; that there's more to it than the street we live on, and the circle of people that we interact with everyday. After our experience in Japan, the heart we as a band have for our generation is only bigger. We are truly thankful for our time there, and can't wait to return someday, hopefully soon."

Sound of Melodies, the Dove and Grammy-nominated, 11-track debut from Leeland was produced by Matt Bronleewe, Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong.

According to Leeland Mooring, "Whenever we play, our main goal is to be able to minister to our generation."

Leeland is comprised of: Leeland Mooring, guitar/lead vocals; Jack Mooring, piano/vocals; Jake Holtz, bass; and Mike Smith, drums.

At the 38th Annual Gospel Music Association (GMA) Dove Awards, Leeland is nominated in the following categories: New Artist of the Year; Rock/Contemporary Recorded Song, "Sound of Melodies"; Rock/Contemporary Album, Sound of Melodies; and Praise and Worship Album, Sound of Melodies. Leeland Mooring and Jack Mooring received two additional nominations each, as songwriters, in the Worship Song category for "Yes You Have", and the Rock/Contemporary Recorded Song category for "Sound of Melodies". Leeland will play 17 festivals during the summer of 2007.