US Federal Appeal Court Agree to Schiavo’s Late Appeal for Life

An emergency bid made by Terri Schiavo’s parents for a new hearing on whether to reconnect her feeding tube has been agreed with by a US Federal Appeals Court. The lifeline offers renewed hope to Schiavo’s parents of keeping the brain-damaged woman alive.

The order came very late on Tuesday, where the 11th US circuit Court of Appeals agreed for an appeal, although worringly they still have not said when the hearing will be held.

Some medical experts have now also stated that it would be unclear as to how Schiavo’s body would react to being reconnected to the feeding tube, as she has already suffered for 13 days with no food or water.

The order has allowed the appeal to be filed by Schiavo’s parents saying, "The Appellant's emergency motion for leave to file out of time is granted."

The request for the hearing included statements asking the court to consider the entire state court record nd not just rely on the records handed forward from previous Florida court rulings regarding wether legal standards had been met under the state law.

The request also pointed to the fact that there was no consideration given in previou trials as to whether there was enough "clear and convincing" evidence that Schiavo would have chosen to die in her current condition.

Doctors predicted that Schiavo could only survive for 2 weeks once the feeding tube was initially removed on 18th March.

The reuest for the new hearing also asked for the feeding tube to be reinserted immediately "in light of the magnitude of what is at stake and the urgency of the action required."

The Schindlers, Schiavo’s parents have pledged to battle to the very end against their son-in-law who has been fighting for Schiavo to be taken off the feeding tube. The case so far has been through six courts over the past seven years, and the US Supreme Court have declined to intervene five times.

The lastest decision has been praised by those who have been keeping a 24-hour vigil outside the hospice that Schiavo is being kept at.

So far 48 protestors have been arrested since the tube was removed via a court order 13 days ago.

Terri Schiavo suffered catastrophic brain damage in 1990 when her heart stopped for several minutes because of a chemical imbalance apparently brought on by an eating disorder.

On Tuesday, Mary Schindler made an emotional appeal to Michael Schiavo – Terri’s hisband whose application led to the feeding tube being removed. She said, "Michael and Jodi, you have your own children. Please, please give my child back to me."

Mary Schindler was referring to Michael Schiavo’s new fiancee Jodi Centonze, who already have had two childrent since Terri collapsed 15 years ago.

The Rev Jesse Jackson also joined Schiavo’s parents in protesting to have the feeding tube reinserted yesterday. He said, "I feel so passionate about this injustice being done, how unnecessary it is to deny her a feeding tube, water, not even ice to be used for her parched lips. This is a moral issue and it transcends politics and family disputes."

First Lady Laura Bush also stepped forward on Tuesday and stated that the government was right to have intervened on Schiavo’s behalf. She said, "It is a life issue that really does require government to be involved."