US Goalkeeper Tim Howard: "I Try Every Day to Live for Christ"

|PIC1|United States goalkeeper, Tim Howard has no doubts about his best footballing moment:

Winning the FA Cup here at Manchester United, that was in my first season in 2003, and that was awesome. You know it really was because it is such a prestigious tournament and it is known worldwide, and to be the first American to do that was special.

As a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ he doesn’t just want to be known for his performances on the football field.

I really want to be someone who tried to live for Christ. Who didn’t always get it right, and who made mistakes and stumbled, but in the end of the day believed and had faith that God is the beginning and the end.

And for me that’s important, as people are going to see your stumbles, and see your trials, but I want people to know that I tried every day to live for Christ. I think if I can just be a beacon of light, and people can look at me and see Christ and not just see me, that is of the utmost importance.
