'Use your vote,' Christians told

Church leaders in the Black Country are urging parishioners to turn out and vote in the May local elections. They are also issuing a list of questions for voters to think about.

"It is our hope that people will value our democratic way, and we urge them to exercise their right to vote. We recognise that voting is a responsibility; so we want people to make an informed choice, and go out and vote for the best candidates," said Monsignor Patrick McKinney, Chair of Black Country Churches Engaged (BCCE), the body representing the Christian Churches locally.

"We believe these elections give people the opportunity to express their views as to the best way forward locally. Choosing politicians who bring the community together and whose vision is one of hope for the future is a Christian choice", said Rev John Howard, Chair of the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District of the Methodist Church.

The Churches have issued a seven point list of questions, and church leaders will be outside St Peter Collegiate Church in Wolverhampton with their own ballot box next Monday in order to make their point more forcibly.

"Our questions are based on Christian values, which we believe are widely held. We encourage people to check the candidates' views on the value of other human beings; we ask whether they will work for the common good and not just one small group," added Monsignor McKinney.

The church leaders have responded to a growing concern that a mood of cynicism among the population means people often opt out of voting altogether.

"We are asking people whether the candidate's policies feed on fear or whether they promote the rich diversity of cultures living within the community? Do their policies serve to promote good race relations, respecting the culture, language and faith of all?" said Bishop Clive Gregory, Bishop of Wolverhampton.

"We are encouraging churchgoers and others to put their confidence and their cross against the right candidates in our local elections."