Using Narnia to touch lives

|PIC1|The much anticipated release of the second Narnia film, Prince Caspian, is just around the corner. While generations of believers have grown up loving the magical world of Narnia, many of the deeper spiritual overtones in the story can escape the casual observer.

Narnia author C. S. Lewis was a master at using the power of story to communicate truths that alternately wrench our heart and make our spirits soar. The world of Narnia is replete with themes and symbols that speak to longings deep within us - young and old alike. Narnia taps into the God-shaped void within each of us to search for a 'deeper magic' that pulls us into an encounter with the God of the Universe.

In the upcoming film version of Prince Caspian, Disney and Walden Media have teamed up to deliver a visually spectacular movie experience. It's not often Hollywood drops such a gift into the Christian community's collective lap. The moment is ripe with opportunity, the question is will we step up and use the opportunity to reach out into our communities and engage in serious spiritual conversations?

Prince Caspian throws the door wide open to engage those who don't understand the deeper magic of the world of Narnia and all it symbolizes. Narnian themes of living in a fallen world, sin, and redemption speak into the hurting hearts and battered lives that surround us. In an effort to assist churches' in their outreach efforts surrounding the release of Prince Caspian, a number of free tools and resources have been developed by Christian ministries. One such free resource is the Prince Caspian Youthworker Guide from the Christian ministry Interl'inc, available at Every church should seek out such resources and be aware of this golden opportunity to use the upcoming film as a springboard for deeper spiritual conversations.

Are you prepared to flesh out the deeper truths the movie brushes up against and share God's hope and truth? Doing your homework and laying the groundwork for significant spiritual conversations can reap eternal rewards. Don't let this golden opportunity slip by!

Jane Dratz works for Dare 2 Share Ministries in Arvada, Colo., a ministry committed to energizing and equipping teens to know, live, share and own their faith in Jesus. For more information on Dare 2 Share Ministries, please visit Send feedback to