Using sport to share faith

Sherri Oldevak is one such example of how sport has inspired her to change course. American Sherri is a former national champion of the heptathlon.

Nowadays she has rediscovered another sport – but for very different reasons. Sherri is a representative of Dribble4Destiny.

The US-based charity uses the example of spinning and dribbling of a basket ball to share the Christian faith and inspire children from challenging backgrounds to take up the sport.

Sherri has been demonstrating her basketball skills during the 2012 London Olympic Games on the green outside Westminster Abbey under the direction of More than Gold, a Christian organisation that supports churches and charities to make the most of major-sporting events.

She says: “My aim is to share a vision by inspiring people to start training for at least 30 days during which time they will develop new habits. This in turn can develop their character and ultimately alter their destiny.”

During her demonstrations, Sherri and her team share their personal stories. In Sherri’s case, she became a Christian shortly after being crowned national champion of the heptathlon in 1981.
Later Sherri met Bill Glass, an American football player for Cleveland Browns who is also a devout Christian.

Gates encouraged Sherri to use sport in a non-competitive way as a means to inspiring people to turn to the Gospel for answers as well to a consider a career in basketball.

In addition, Dribble4Destiny helps match emerging talent with coaches and enter players into national tournaments as well as apply for scholarships for further training.