USPG responds to fatal flooding in Namibia and Angola

The Anglican Church, with support from the Anglican mission agency USPG, is reaching out to victims of severe flooding along the Angola-Namibia border.

Torrential rains have caused the Zambezi River to rise seven metres, causing floods that have killed at least 131 people and displaced nearly half a million, according to NGOs.

The flooding – thought to be the worst since 1958 – has submerged villages, ruined farmland and destroyed schools and health centres in northern Namibia and the Kunene region of southern Angola. In addition, crocodiles and hippos are swimming through the floodwaters, attacking and killing people.

In one village, Maria, who has 11 children, reported: ‘We woke up in the middle of the night and found the water rising up. I was crying and trying to save what I could. We lost our clothes, school books, almost everything. I don't know what’s going to happen to us.’

President Hifikepunye Pohamba, of Namibia, has declared a state of emergency in northern Namibia.

There is now a fear that contaminated water sources will lead to an outbreak of water-borne diseases and malaria.

This is further hardship for subsistence farming communities that already face food shortages and an estimated HIV prevalence rate of 43 per cent.

The Rt Revd Andre Soares, Bishop of Angola, told USPG: “The situation in Kunene has become worse than last year and your [USPG’s] support is needed at this time.’

USPG is initially sending £1,000 to each of the Dioceses of Angola and Namibia. The money will be used for relief work, including the provision of tents, blankets, food and medical supplies.

The Revd Chad Gandiya, USPG’s Regional Desk Officer for Africa, said: “Having visited the affected areas during the floods last year, I know what they are going through. I am pleased that USPG is able to make this quick response.

“This situation this year is the same as last year: flooded home, people living in tents. The people were distraught – there as a great sense of loss. Some people had lost everything.”

Donations to USPG support church work in times of natural disasters in Namibia, Angola and around the world. Visit or phone 0845 273 1701.