USPG staff member to be next bishop of Harare

The Church of the Province of Central Africa has elected a staff member of USPG:Anglicans in World Mission to be the new Bishop of Harare in Zimbabwe.

Following much prayer and consultation, they elected the Rev Canon Chad Gandiya, 56, to be the next Bishop of Harare. Canon Gandiya is presently the Africa and Indian Ocean Regional Desk Officer for USPG, based in London.

Earlier this year the Archbishop of Canterbury appointed him as one of his Provincial Pastoral Visitors for the Anglican Communion.

“I am humbled and at the same time honoured to be elected as Bishop of Harare, a diocese I have known well and served for many years," commented Mr Gandiya. “The challenges that face this diocese and country are enormous, but not insurmountable, and I know that I can only meet them with the Grace of God and the support of the clergy of the diocese and my family.”

The Rt Rev Michael Doe, General Secretary of USPG said: “We are delighted to hear the news that Chad has been elected the next Bishop of Harare.

"His work with USPG has brought him into contact with much of the Anglican Church in Africa and the Indian Ocean, and I can think of no better person to bring leadership and reconciliation to this troubled diocese.

"All of us at USPG pray that God will bless his new and very challenging ministry.”

Mr Gandiya was born in Zimbabwe in 1953. He studied for the priesthood at St John’s College, Nottingham, and took higher degrees at the University of Zimbabwe and Michigan State University in the US.

He has been a priest in parishes in both Zimbabwe and the United States, and has been tutor and later principal at Bishop Gaul College in Zimbabwe, and tutor at the United College of the Ascension, Selly Oak, Birmingham before taking up his present post as Regional Desk Officer for Africa and the Indian Ocean with USPG.

Mr Gandiya is married to Faith, and they have three children, Tapiwanashe, Tariro and Tonderaishe.

A court of confirmation is due to take place in about 30 days after which a day may be set for his consecration as Bishop of Harare.

The previous Bishop of Harare, the Rt Rev Norbert Kunonga was deposed and ex-communicated by the Church of the Province of Central Africa in May 2008. Since then the Rt Revd Dr Sebastian Bakare, retired bishop of Manicaland, has been caretaker bishop of Harare.