'Vampire Diaries' season 6 episode 11: EP Julie Plec shares the dirt on Kai, Delena, and Steroline

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"The Vampire Diaries" will be back on air in a couple of days and it will pick up right where it left off. Before the TV show took a winter break, there were questions lingering around the fate of Damon and Elena, Stefan and Caroline, and the villain Kai. 

Executive producer Julie Plec obliged to a no-holds barred interview with TV Line about what's left to be seen in season 6. The interview revealed a lot but, at the same time, made fans ponder on more questions as well. 

First off, fans have fallen in love with Kai as a villain, probably with the same intense love they felt for Klaus back then. Fans are wondering if Kai will stay until season 7 or not. 

"That's the problem when you have an actor who's so great and who the audience responds to as a villain ... Every day, we talk about Kai, and we debate it. It's an ongoing conversation," Plec said. 

They still don't know if Kai should soldier on or stay. But if there's one thing the antagonist is doing brilliantly right now, that is keeping Damon and Elena apart. However, if Delena is able to overcome Kai, will they be facing other challenges ahead of them? 

Plec said that while it will be great to see the couple back in each other's arms, in love and happy, Delena will still have to go through a lot. For one, Elena has to assess her feelings for Damon and determine if she is in love with him again. Also, it is unsure whether the problems will bring them closer or not. 

Moving on to a budding romance, Stefan and Caroline are looking to step it up. It's now a question of whether or not they will actually decide to be together. 

Regarding that, Plec said, "At first, it's going to shore up their friendship and bring up more of those romantic questions. But I can't guarantee there won't be a stumbling block or two that prevents them from seeing things clearly."

The EP also spoiled something about the major death coming this season. She said that it is going to happen "soon" and that the death rate this season will be "astonishingly high." Moreover, Plec also revealed the uncertain future of the TV show. Basically, she said that they'll be around depending on how much the network still needs them around.

"The Vampire Diaries" return on Jan. 22 on The CW. For those who miss the episode be sure to watch the full episodes online via live stream on the CW website.