'Vampyr' release date news: Game delayed, to come out in spring 2018

Screenshot from the "Vampyr" E3 trailer.PlayStation EU's YouTube Channel

"Vampyr" was originally set to hit video game shelves before the end of 2017, but developer DontNod Entertainment has announced that their newest game will be delayed. Instead, the action role-playing game (RPG) will be coming to consoles and PC in spring 2018.

The announcement was made on the game's Facebook page.

Oskar Gilbert, the CEO of DontNod Entertainment explained, "Delaying the release of a project you hold dear is always a tough decision. However, we believe that meeting a deadline should never compromise quality. We were still convinced just a few weeks ago that we would be able to release 'Vampyr' this year. Unfortunately, a technical issue — now solved — has set our teams' schedule back at the end of the development."

Gilbert went on to explain how they would be using this additional time to polish the game as much as they can and to focus on making player choices have a strong impact in the grand scheme of the RPG's narrative.

In "Vampyr," players will be tossed into the boots of doctor-turned-vampire, Jonathan Reid. It is set in 1918 London where a strange plague has fallen over the city and its people and as a newly-turned vampire, Reid has acquired a thirst for blood.

This is where one of the players' moral dilemmas will stem from.

As a doctor, Reid is bound to the Hippocratic Oath. He is out to help those who've fallen ill from the flu and hopes to find a cure for the sick in the city. However, as a vampire, his wants don't exactly align.

Will he help the people of London or will he unwittingly do more harm instead of trying to do none?

Reid will also have to face monsters, vampire hunters and all sorts of other challenges.

According to the game's official website, players will have to make choices and live with them because their actions "will either save or doom London."