'Vampyr' to release in June 2018; Developers release dev diaries

Promotional photo from the "Vampyr" websiteVampyr official website

Gothic horror roleplaying game (RPG) "Vampyr" was originally slated for an end of 2017 release, however, "Don't Nod Entertainment" — the game's developers — decided to push back the release to 2018. Now, the game's final release date is set for June.

According to video game news website Polygon, the developers have been releasing dev diary entries on YouTube as a way to give excited fans a closer glimpse of the upcoming game.

There are currently three development diaries, and all of them have been uploaded to Capsule Computer's YouTube channel. The latest diary entry titled "Human After All" was uploaded on Feb. 4. Each of the development diary entries gives players a behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming game "Vampyr" — how it was made, the ideas behind certain game mechanics and how some of the in-game abilities will work. It is an interesting way to learn more about the game without spoiling the plot.

Entry number three "Human After All" focuses on Jonathan Reid's (the protagonist's) interactions with the people of London and how interacting with humans affects him and the "Vampyrs" gameplay.

Almost five minutes long, the video starts with Philippe Moreau, the game's director, explaining the nature of nonplayable characters (NPCs) in "Vampyr." Unlike other RPG games, in which NPCs exist for the sole purpose of handing out quests or giving story exposition, Moreau wanted to ensure that NPCs in "Vampyr" had their own personalities and identities. The developers wanted to make a colorful cast that would interact with Jonathan Reid differently and uniquely.

The video went on to explain how Jonathan's treatment of the different NPCs would lead to different in-game scenarios, and how each of these characters has something different to offer Jonathan and the world of gothic London.

In "Vampyr," players are put into the shoes of doctor-turned vampire Jonathan Reid. A plague has struck London and something mysterious and bad is lurking in the shadows.