Vicki Courtney Takes Home a Christian Book Award for 'Teen Virtue'

|TOP|Vicki Courtney, author of Teen Virtue, recently took home a 2006 ECPA Christian Book Award for the Children & Youth category.

Actively involved with her children and a devout Christian, Vicki Courtney devotes her life to minstering to girls of all ages.

Asked in an interview why she decided to write a book on teenagers, Courtney replied: “I have one book out to mothers of daughters called Your Girl: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World and another book out to adult women, but I wrote TeenVirtue, really, as a response to feedback I was getting from moms who were reading the Your Girl book on how to help our daughters counter the culture and stay true to their faith.”

In other news, the second edition of Teen Virtue recently released.

Following the best-selling first issue, TeenVirtue 2 guides young girls through the delicate world of key relationships: with family, with friends, with boys, and with God.

|AD|Courtney’s wisdom is contained in oversized pages and colorful contemporary designs that are expected to appeal to female teenagers, regardless of where they are in their faith.

The author noted: “My daughter (a teenager) very kindly informed me that most teen girls she knew, including herself, were not really reading these long chapter books that moms were buying them and setting on their nightstands with grand hopes of them being read. So it really got me thinking, with these girls facing so many different issues, it would be a really easy format for girls if [the book] came out in something that was familiar and user friendly to them, which would be a magazine”

Asked if she is thinking about doing a male version of Teenvirtue, Courtney answered: “I would love to collaborate with someone else. I do not feel personally qualified; I think it needs to be a male role model that is putting something out there for our guys. But I do think its something that is very much needed and I'm not sure if a magazine format is a way that you reach guys, or how you do that, but I would love to see someone pick up the torch there and take that one on. Especially because of the fact that I have two sons.”