Video Highlights China's Human Rights Offences Ahead of Olympics

As China prepares to host the Beijing Olympics, Christian human rights watchdog Release International has launched an innovative video alert campaign to remind the world of China's continuing crackdown on Christians.

Release International, which serves the persecuted Church, is harnessing new technology and the power of the Internet to produce a short, hard-hitting video that Christians can email to their friends.

"The aim is for this short video alert - or viral video - to spread like wildfire over the Net, to stir Christians globally to prayer and action," RI has reported.

The video focuses on the case of the 75-year-old mother of a pastor in the underground church, who was kicked to the ground, beaten and jailed by the authorities for two years.

Release International believes the Chinese authorities targeted Shuang Shuying, who is elderly and in ill-health, to put pressure on her son who has campaigned for the rights of persecuted Christians and the poor.

"The Chinese authorities have cut back on arresting Christians so they can say their human rights record is improving ahead of the Beijing Olympics. But behind the scenes the crackdown continues as the authorities bulldoze unregistered churches and increase pressure on leaders of the underground church," RI reports.

China has just been named among the worst violators of human rights abuses in the world in the latest US State Department report.

"All eyes will be on China for the Olympics, and China will put on a great show. But behind the facade the crackdown continues against Christians," says RI CEO Andy Dipper. "Release is calling on British believers to harness the power of the Net to show the world what China is trying to conceal.

"Download this video - pass it on to your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Let the truth go out about the persecuted Church in China. And let Christians pray for this elderly woman and her son, who've been jailed for standing up for justice and for Jesus."

"Our mission is to be the voice of the persecuted Church," says Dipper. "The Net allows our persecuted brothers and sisters to look the world in the eye and tell their stories for themselves. Now you can use the Net to show your friends the story of the sick and elderly mother that China tried to silence."

Release International serves the persecuted church in 30 nations.

For video reports and the latest persecution news from Release International please visit:

You can download the viral video directly from