Virtual bike ride to raise funds for Lichfield Cathedral conservation

Eight intrepid cyclists will attempt to cycle 314 miles in a virtual bike ride to raise funds for Lichfield Cathedral.

The cyclists, all Friends of Lichfield Cathedral, will start the sponsored cycle at the cathedral's west front at 8am on June 18.

The route planned by the cyclists takes them on a virtual journey to places of significance in the life of St Chad, the patron of Lichfield Cathedral and Anglo Saxon missionary, to whom the cathedral is dedicated.

The cathedral was originally built to house his tomb and became a place of pilgrimage and the mother church for the Christian community in Mercia.

The cyclists taking part include Chris Craddock, head verger of Lichfield Cathedral, Rosanne Wilshire, youth group volunteer, Cheryl Baxter, cathedral guide and steward, Helen Betts, vice chair of the Friends of Lichfield Cathedral, Trish Insley, lay pastoral minister, and Bryan Ramsell, lay member of chapter.

Encouragement and entertainment will also be provided by the Lichfield Cathedral lively Saturday choir, the Young Voices between 10.30am and 11.30am.

Director of Fundraising, Patricia Collins said: "I am full of admiration for this plucky group of Cathedral Friends who will set off, whatever the weather, to raise funds for and awareness of Lichfield Cathedral and its heritage and vision.

"The clear glass in the Lady Chapel windows at the East End of the Cathedral has been installed to play its part as isothermal protection for the beautiful Herkenrode stained glass when that comes back from conservation.

"Every pound raised helps towards our target of around £800,000 to complete this project.”

The East End Appeal is a three-stage project comprising the strengthening of the south and north choir aisles, the replacement of the external stonework of the Lady Chapel and the conservation of the historic Herkenrode Glass. The appeal is the first phase of Lichfield InSpires, a long term programme of conservation and development.