'Walking Dead' season 6 release date, spoilers: Show to premiere in October?

Rick Grimes in the Walking Dead season 5 finaleAMC

The cast of "The Walking Dead" is now back in Georgia to shoot episodes for season 6. Despite the season's development, the primary question on when Rick and the gang will return remains a mystery: Website What Culture seems to have the answer: Oct. 11. The site wagers on the possibility that on this date, fans will learn of the walker-filled horrors lying in wait.

The site's claim is grounded upon AMC's unchanging premiere pattern for the epic series. The network always picks the final day of the New York Comic Con to jumpstart and revisit the group's unending journey, and should the tradition continue, then "The Walking Dead" season 6 is likely to premiere in the second week of October.

What Culture adds that following the surmised premiere date and assuming there will be another midseason break, the finale of the season should fall sometime in March next year. But of course, this should be taken as a rumor until AMC confirms it. For the meantime, fans should prepare for the coming of a zombie army.

Gone were the days when the Alexandria Safe Zone was actually a place of protection. In an interview with Melty, executive producer Greg Nicotero revealed that the walled community, as well as other areas, has become vulnerable to just about anything and will eventually be under attack by the sadistic group of survivors called The Wolves (whose return was already foreshadowed in season 5), who intend to organize a batallion of walkers to terrorize towns. But how will they do it?

Nicotero shared that the Wolves "are setting booby traps everywhere so that they can take people's possessions and then use them as a means to build the walkers in the traps." This "diabolical plan" will help them net tons of flesh eaters. A leaked image by The Spoiling Dead Facebook gives an idea on how successful the scheme is.

"The Walking Dead" season 6 marks Rick and Morgan's reunion. It may also be the season Daryl and Glenn will meet their demise.